13 December 2004

From the "Where am I?" Dept.

10 million light years to Earth and in

It really gets interesting once you hit the earth.

This "anime" comes from Molecular Expressions in Florida. Their photo gallery contains thousands of full color photomicrographs (photographs taken through a microscope) and digital images.


Anonymous said...

damn java script!! I'm trapped in tree-cells now!

Anonymous said...

Good design!
[url=http://lvguqhzl.com/elmy/vuwb.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://tkunukjn.com/mdsm/pxrn.html]Cool site[/url]

Anonymous said...

Good design!
http://lvguqhzl.com/elmy/vuwb.html | http://yzdnweva.com/jppa/ynvi.html