17 January 2005

The results are in from The Golden Globes...

And who fucking cares?!!?

Please...enough. Just stop all this...Please?
Do you suppose people should reexamine their valuable time spent obsessing on these kinds of things? Maybe think about their adoration of completely self-absorbed people like this, the exaltation and emulation of the clothes they wear, and on and on. It's REALLY insane, when you think about it.

I mean...if Brad Pitt and that Friends girl can't fuck each other anymore, and live committed to each other in all their "interestingness"...what hope do the rest of us have?

The next awards show...let's not pay attention, ok? Deal?


Anonymous said...

Scott, "that Friends-girl" is Jennifer Aniston. C'mon! get with the program! lee

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

we have no hope!!!!! Brad and Jen...ahhhh! They are both beautiful and cant screw one another. Ahhhh!!
Who's the Secretary of the Interior these days?
Brad and Jen, ahhhhhhh!

Anonymous said...

people watched this because survivor wasnt on

Anonymous said...

Interesting to imagine a political version of the golden-globes: an awards event to see which TV political show had the best news piece of the year, the best anchors (m and f), the best supporting anchors, etc... and imagine them all parading down a red carpet with cameras flashing and people dying to know what kind of shoes Russert, Chris Matthews, Leslie Stahl, were wearing.

ScottB said...

I now can count on hilarious comments after a post like this one. A good laugh today.
My feeling about celebrity adoration is this: my hunch is that if we actually knew such selfish, egotistical-driven people like these in our real lives, we probably wouldn't like them very much, and certainly wouldn't want to hang out with them.

Anonymous said...

Darling, Scotty...I think you know we are diametrically opposed on this issue...as we are on aerobics... XO, Shannon