Calendar of Events in Portland, OR :
3rd Anniversary of the U.S. Invasion of Iraq

A Call to Resist the War - Nonviolence Training
Saturday, March 4th 2006 10:00 am
Civil Resist Portland has issued a call for non-violent civil disobedience to mark the third anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. The action will be taking place on Monday, March 20th (see calendar listing for March 20th).
In support of this effort a non-violence preparedness workshop will be presented. People who are interested in this action, either willing to be arrested or to provide support MUST attend this training and will be required to sign a pledge of non-violence to participate.
RSVP • Rabbi Michael Lerner: Interfaith Presentation
Sunday, March 5th 2006 7:00 PM
Christ the Healer UCC is hosting Rabbi Michael Lerner. He will discuss the topic of his new book: "The Left Hand of God: Taking our Country Back from the Religious Right."
The talk will begin at 7:00pm.
Buffet reception preceding the talk, downstairs at 5:30pm, Dr. Lerner will speak informally and answer questions. The reception will be $15 and those wishing to attend are asked to RSVP at 503-650-4447.
RSVP • Peace Song Sing-along
Sunday, March 5th 2006 5:30 pm
The Peace and Justice Singers host a community sing-along. Sing along with us and get ready to raise our voices in song at the March 19th rally to "End the War, Begin the Peace."
RSVP • International Women's Day: Women Say No to War!
Wednesday, March 8th 2006 12:00 PM
Deliver petitions from the women of the world to Congressional Offices. For schedule details see calendar at
Various events are taking place on March 8 to support women around the globe and their Call for Peace:
Delivering petitions to Representative Darlene Hooley’s West Linn office. 21570 Willamette Drive, West Linn. 1/2 - 1 mile west of the I-205 West Linn off-ramp.
12:00 noon
Portland - Pioneer Courthouse Square (corner of Broadway & Morrison)
We will join WILPF's regular weekly vigil downtown in our brightest pink and with Women Say No To War banners.
At 12:15pm we will march through downtown to the Federal Building at 1220 SW Third Ave, between Madison and Jefferson Streets and delivering petitions to Senator Wyden.
12:00 noon – CODEPINK Vancouver will be delivering petitions to their Reps and Senators
YWCA Community Room 3609 Main St, Vancouver, WA 98663
Women's Tea and World Cafe, "Peace in our Homes, Peace in Our World." Please join us in an evening of conversation and conviviality!?
On KBOO community radio, 90.7 fm or streaming at
CODEPINK Portland members will be appearing on KBOO’s International Women’s Day coverage. We will be playing excerpts from our “Tell it to George” interview project. We will also be inviting listeners to call-in, and tell us what they would say to George, LIVE! So, turn on your radio, and give us a call!
RSVP • Weekly Peace March and Rally
Friday, March 10th 2006 5:00 pm
Portland Peaceful Response Coalition holds their Friday rally and march to kick off the final week of outreach for March 19th mobilization calling for end to the US occupation of Iraq: Bring the Troops Home Now!
RSVP • Passport to Peace Interfaith Prayer Service for Peace in Iraq
Sunday, March 12th 2006 4:00 pm
Join with faith leaders and congregants from many traditions for an inspirational service as we sing and pray for peace.
RSVP • Keepers of the Peace: We Have Not Forgotten
Sunday, March 12th 2006 6:00 PM
Veterans for Peace Chapter 72 host the start of a week of peace activities leading up to the End the War, Begin the Peace rally and march.
RSVP • Active Nonviolence/Peace Advocacy Training for Trainers
Tuesday, March 14th 2006 8:30 am
For Clergy, Social Concerns Committees, Lay Leaders, Peace Group Leaders. Recommit to true nonviolence; acquire tools and skills to stimulate peace action and advocacy in your home group or congregation. Combining and condensing the best of secular and faith-based nonviolence and peacemaking curriculums. Lively, fast-paced and participatory. Led by Oregon Peaceworks’ Peter Bergel and Lutheran Peace Fellowship’s Glen Gersmehl.
End the War, Begin the Peace
Sunday, March 19th 2006 1:30pm
Organizations from Portland's peace and social justice community planning a mass mobilization against war on the third anniversary of the invasion of Iraq have announced a full list of subthemes to be addressed at the event. A march and rally entitled "End the War, Begin the Peace" will be held on Sunday, March 19, 2006 in Portland's Waterfront Park south of the Morrison Bridge; gathering at 1:30PM with the event beginning at 2PM.
RSVP • A Call to Conscience - Nonviolent Civil Resistance
Monday, March 20th 2006 12:00 AM
Civil Resist Portland has issued a call for non-violent civil disobedience to mark the third anniversary of the invasion of Iraq.
RSVP • Women's Weekly Vigil for Peace
12:00 noon
Weekly Event
Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom (WILPF) has been vigiling here weekly for several years. They pass out flyers on current peace and justice topics, always with the information for contacting our legislators included. They usually hold signs or wear small sandwich boards to purvey their message.
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